The Exchange

USA, 2025
bis 19:30
  • Breitwand-Format 16:9
  • 20250409190000
VPS 00:00



Bild 1




    CNBC‘s „The Exchange“ is the newsroom-based program for today‘s Investor. The show focuses on in-depth reporting around the most important and interesting stories to today‘s markets and investors. CNBC‘s deep roster of skilled reporters, guided by anchor Kelly Evans, provide actionable information to viewers as they make daily investment decisions.


    CNBC‘s „The Exchange“ is the newsroom-based program for today‘s Investor. The show focuses on in-depth reporting around the most important and interesting stories to today‘s markets and investors. CNBC‘s deep roster of skilled reporters, guided by anchor Kelly Evans, provide actionable information to viewers as they make daily investment decisions.


    Moderator:Kelly Evans

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