Hotel Transsilvanien (Hotel Transylvania)

USA, 2011
bis 17:05
  • Zweikanalton
  • Breitwand-Format 16:9
  • HDTV
  • 20250329153000
VPS 00:00

Dracula (voiced by Adam Sandler) and Johnnystein (voiced by Andy Samberg) in HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA, an animated comedy from Sony Pictures Animation.


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Dracula (voiced by Adam Sandler) and Johnnystein (voiced by Andy Samberg) in HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA, an animated comedy from Sony Pictures Animation.

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Monster guests prepare for a weekend get-away in HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA, an animated comedy from Sony Pictures Animation.

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Johnnystein (Andy Samberg) and Mavis (Selena Gomez) with Dracula (Adam Sandler) looking on in HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA, an animated comedy from Sony Pictures Animation.

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Mavis as a bat (Selena Gomez) and Dracula (Adam Sandler) in HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA, an animated comedy from Sony Pictures Animation.

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Johnnystein (Andy Samberg) and Mavis (Selena Gomez) in HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA, an animated comedy from Sony Pictures Animation.

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Dracula (voiced by Adam Sandler) with his daughter Mavis (voiced by Selena Gomez) as prepares to go on a trip outside the castle walls for the very first time in HOTEL TRANSYLVANIA, an animated comedy from Sony Pictures Animation.



    Animationsspaß voller Anspielungen auf berühmte Horrorfilm-Vorbilder: Graf Dracula feiert den 118. Geburtstag seiner Tochter - und hat einen ungebetenen und gefürchteten Menschen als Gast!



    Originalstimme: Dracula
    Originalstimme: Mavis
    Originalstimme: Wayne
    Originalstimme: Frank / Frankenstein
    Originalstimme: Eunice
    Deutsche Stimme: Graf Dracula
    Deutsche Stimme: Mavis
    Deutsche Stimme: Jonathan
    Deutsche Stimme: Frank
    Regie:Genndy Tartakovsky
    Drehbuch:Robert Smigel, Dan Hageman, Kevin Hageman

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