A Discovery of Witches (A Discovery of Witches)

Geheime Machenschaften (Großbritannien / USA, 2018)
Folge 5   Staffel: 1 / Folge: 5

bis 07:00
  • Zweikanalton
  • Breitwand-Format 16:9
  • HDTV
  • 20250330062000
VPS 00:00

A Discovery of Witches - Series 01First LookMatthew Goode as Matthew Clairmont.


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A Discovery of Witches - Series 01First LookMatthew Goode as Matthew Clairmont.

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Adapted from Deborah Harkness best-selling trilogy of novels, A Discovery of Witches is a bold and romantic thriller that uncovers a secret underworld of extraordinary beings hiding in plain sight for fear of persecution by humans they are vampires, witches and daemons. Brilliant historian Diana Bishop is a witch denying her own heritage. But when she unexpectedly calls up an ancient, bewitched manuscript from Oxfords Bodleian library, one that was thought by the creatures to be lost and could answer the mysteries of their existence, she finds herself thrown into the heart of a dangerous mystery and into the path of the enigmatic geneticist and vampire Matthew Clairmont. Matthew is driven to solve the looming threat of the creatures decline and extinction, but their unlikely alliance to find the book before it falls into the wrong hands and their deepening relationship threatens to violate age-old taboos and shake the fragile peace that exists between the species. Starring: Pino Maiello, Alex Kingston, Valarie Pettiford.



    Matthew reist nach Oxford, weil dort in sein Labor eingebrochen wurde. Währenddessen kümmert sich Ysabeau um Diana. Sie nimmt sie mit auf die Jagd und erzählt ihr alles über Matthews Vergangenheit.




    Diana Bishop
    Matthew Clairmont
    Marcus Whitmore
    Peter Knox
    Nathaniel Wilson
    Gillian Chamberlain
    Satu Järvinen
    Miriam Shepherd
    Sarah Bishop
    Emily Mather
    Gerbert D‘Aurillac
    Regie:Alice Troughton

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