Sing (Sing)

USA, 2016
bis 08:10
  • Zweikanalton
  • Breitwand-Format 16:9
  • HDTV
  • 20250323062000
VPS 00:00

Academy Award® winner MATTHEW MCCONAUGHEY stars as dapper koala Buster Moon?who presides over a once-grand theater that has fallen on hard times?in the event film Sing, from Illumination Entertainment and Universal Pictures.


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Academy Award® winner MATTHEW MCCONAUGHEY stars as dapper koala Buster Moon?who presides over a once-grand theater that has fallen on hard times?in the event film Sing, from Illumination Entertainment and Universal Pictures.

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NICK KROLL appears with his character, Gunter, from the event film Sing, from Illumination Entertainment and Universal Pictures.

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TORI KELLY as Meena, a timid teenage elephant with an enormous case of stage fright, in the event film Sing, from Illumination Entertainment and Universal Pictures.

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SETH MACFARLANE is Mike, a mouse who croons as smoothly as he cons, in the event film Sing, from Illumination Entertainment and Universal Pictures.

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NICK KROLL voices boisterous German pig Gunter and Academy Award® winner REESE WITHERSPOON voices overtaxed mother Rosita in the event film Sing, from Illumination Entertainment and Universal Pictures.

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NICK KROLL voices boisterous German pig Gunter and Academy Award® winner REESE WITHERSPOON voices overtaxed mother Rosita in the event film Sing, from Illumination Entertainment and Universal Pictures.

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Meena (TORI KELLY), a timid teenage elephant with an enormous case of stage fright, and dapper koala Buster Moon (Academy Award® winner MATTHEW MCCONAUGHEY) in the event film Sing, from Illumination Entertainment and Universal Pictures.

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TORI KELLY appears with her character, Meena, from the event film Sing, from Illumination Entertainment and Universal Pictures.

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Academy Award® winner MATTHEW MCCONAUGHEY appears with his character, Buster Moon, from the event film Sing, from Illumination Entertainment and Universal Pictures.

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Academy Award® winner MATTHEW MCCONAUGHEY as dapper koala Buster Moon and SCARLETT JOHANSSON as Ash, a punk-rock porcupine struggling to shed her arrogant boyfriend and go solo, in the event film Sing, from Illumination Entertainment and Universal Pictures.

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SETH MACFARLANE appears with his character, Mike, from the event film Sing, from Illumination Entertainment and Universal Pictures.

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TARON EGERTON is Johnny, a young gangster gorilla looking to break free of his family?s felonies, in the event film Sing, from Illumination Entertainment and Universal Pictures.

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JOHN C. REILLY as Eddie, the black sheep of his wealthy family, in the event film Sing, from Illumination Entertainment and Universal Pictures.

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SCARLETT JOHANSSON appears with her character, Ash, from the event film Sing, from Illumination Entertainment and Universal Pictures.



    Ein Theaterdirektor will sein Theater durch eine Castingshow retten. Bald rennen ihm Gorilla, Schaf und Stachelschwein die Bude ein. Animationsspaß von den „Pets“-Machern voller Pop-Hits.



    Originalstimme: Ash
    Originalstimme: Johnny
    Originalstimme: Buster Moon
    Originalstimme: Rosita
    Originalstimme: Meena
    Orignalstimme: Lance
    Originalstimme: Mike
    Originalstimme: Gunter
    Originalstimme: Eddie
    Deutsche Stimme: Ash
    Deutsche Stimme: Johnny
    Deutsche Stimme: Buster Moon
    Deutsche Stimme: Rosita
    Deutsche Stimme: Mike
    Deutsche Stimme: Eddie
    Regie:Garth Jennings
    Drehbuch:Garth Jennings
    Musik:Jon Robert Hall, Jen Faith Brown

    9 weitere Sendetermine

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