Torrevieja Euromarina Optimist International Trophy

XV Trofeo Euromarina Optimist Torrevieja
Season 2023

bis 14:00
  • 20250330133000
VPS 00:00



    The Torrevieja Euromarina Optimist International Trophy is a scoring regatta for the Optimist Excellence Cup, the international event that this year has achieved a record participation with 406 sailors from 27 countries. High level sailing meets in Torrevieja, which hosts the third round of the Optimist Excellence Cup 2021-2022 after its previous stops in Vigo and El Puerto de Santa María.
    With four days of competition and a total of 12 races planned, we can expect an excellent competition to unwind in Torrevieja, Spain. After previous cancelations due to COVID, this season is filled with excitement and action in the four regattas that conform the OEC. With its international scope, it drives the attention of sailors worldwide for a record attendance. Enjoy the competition in Torrevieja for the Euromarina Optimist International Trophy.


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    So 30.3.03:30Torrevieja Euromarina Optimist International Trophy XV Trofeo Euromarina Optimist TorreviejaSendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen
    Mo 31.3.05:30Torrevieja Euromarina Optimist International Trophy XV Trofeo Euromarina Optimist TorreviejaSendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen
    Mo 31.3.14:30Torrevieja Euromarina Optimist International Trophy XV Trofeo Euromarina Optimist TorreviejaSendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen
    Di 1.4.09:30Torrevieja Euromarina Optimist International Trophy XV Trofeo Euromarina Optimist TorreviejaSendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen
    Di 1.4.15:30Torrevieja Euromarina Optimist International Trophy XV Trofeo Euromarina Optimist TorreviejaSendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen
    Di 1.4.23:30Torrevieja Euromarina Optimist International Trophy XV Trofeo Euromarina Optimist TorreviejaSendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen
    Mi 2.4.06:30Torrevieja Euromarina Optimist International Trophy XV Trofeo Euromarina Optimist TorreviejaSendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen
    Mi 2.4.12:30Torrevieja Euromarina Optimist International Trophy XV Trofeo Euromarina Optimist TorreviejaSendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen
    Do 3.4.02:30Torrevieja Euromarina Optimist International Trophy XV Trofeo Euromarina Optimist TorreviejaSendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen
    Do 3.4.11:30Torrevieja Euromarina Optimist International Trophy XV Trofeo Euromarina Optimist TorreviejaSendung zum Merkzettel hinzufügen

    Top-Spielfilm am 30.03.


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