Iballa - Corazón de Escamas

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    After more than two decades in the world class of sports and overcoming different personal and sporting challenges of great significance, Iballa Ruano Moreno achieved in 2018 an historical landmark unprecedented in professional sports: winning the world championships in the same year the PWA World Circuit of Windsurf and the APP World Tour of Stand Up Paddle.
    This milestone never before achieved by an active athlete, highlights the level of dedication and improvement that the Moreno Twins and specifically Iballa Ruano, have been successfully reaping for so many years. However, the journey wasn‘t easy. Corazón de Escamas is a short biographical documentary told in the first person and that shows the most intimate part of its history and is dedicated with great affection to the Ruano Moreno family. Dive into the world of this Canarian athlete and find out her inspiring story.


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    Top-Spielfilm am 23.03.


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