Hexen: Die Wahrheit hinter den Prozessen (Witches: Truth Behind the Trials)

Deutschland: Die Hexenjagd beginnt (Großbritannien, 2024)
Folge 1   Staffel: 1

bis 21:45
  • Zweikanalton
  • Stereo
  • Breitwand-Format 16:9
  • HDTV
  • 20250320210000
VPS 00:00

Portrait of Professor Diane Purkiss, Oxford University. (Dash Productions Services LTD/Antoan Ivanov)


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Portrait of Professor Diane Purkiss, Oxford University. (Dash Productions Services LTD/Antoan Ivanov)

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Dietrich Flade on his knees, in the torture room, looking for compassion as he continues to be tortured. (Dash Productions Services LTD/Antoan Ivanov)

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Dietrich Flade writing letters at his desk. (Dash Productions Services LTD/Antoan Ivanov)

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A female citizen paying her debts to Dietrich Flade. (Dash Productions Services LTD/Antoan Ivanov)

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Diedtrich Flade at court. On his knees and pleading for his life after being accused of witchcraft. (Dash Productions Services LTD/Antoan Ivanov)

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Witches knelt down worshipping the devil at the Witches Sabbath. (Dash Productions Services LTD/Antoan Ivanov)

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Dietrich Flade looking back in fear. Three villagers stand together in the backgorund. (Dash Pictures/Samuel Purcell, Oliver Watts)
