First Officer Bonin (played by Ray Galletti) makes a radio call to report the position of Air France Flight 447. It's one of the last communications made from the plane before it disappears without a trace into the Atlantic Ocean. âĨâĨphoto credit: Cineflix/Ian Watson
First Officer Bonin (played by Ray Galletti) makes a radio call to report the position of Air France Flight 447. It's one of the last communications made from the plane before it disappears without a trace into the Atlantic Ocean. âĨâĨphoto credit: Cineflix/Ian Watson
First Officer David Robert (played by John Maillet) returns to the cockpit to relieve Captain Marc Dubois ( played by Russell Ferrier) just moments before Air France Flight 447 crashes into the ocean. The absence of the experienced captain during the crisis becomes a key question during the investigation into the crash. âĨâĨphoto credit: Cineflix/Ian Watson
Extreme turbulence can cause a plane to loose wings causing the plane to crash, this is the first factor investigators considered when searching for Air France Flight 447 after is vanished shortly after leaving Brazil on June 1, 2009(credit: 2012 Cineflix)
First Officer David Robert (played by John Maillet) tries to understand a cascade of warning messages received just moments before Air France Flight 447 crashes into the ocean, killing all 228 people on board. âĨâĨphoto credit: Cineflix/Ian Watson
Sections of the aircraft can rip off in extreme turbulance. Investigators look into this option when they first hear of Air France Flight 447's disappearance. The data confirms that the Airbus was providing conflicting airspeed information, which caused the crew to mishandle the plane, putting it into a stall from which they were unable to recover.âĨâĨ(credit: 2012 Cineflix)
First Officer Bonin (played by Ray Galletti) struggles to deal with an emergency in the cockpit of Air France Flight 447. The Airbus A-330 disappeared without a trace into the Atlantic Ocean on June 1, 2009 killing all 228 people on board. âĨâĨphoto credit: Cineflix/Ian Watson
Relief pilot David Robert (played by John Maillet) heads back to the cockpit just moments before Air France Flight 447 crashes into the Atlantic Ocean. âĨâĨphoto credit: Cineflix/Ian Watson
Captain Marc Dubois (played by Russell Ferrier) studies the latest weather information during a night flight from Rio to Paris. Air France Flight 447 disappeared over the Atlantic Ocean after flying into a storm on June 1, 2009. âĨâĨphoto credit: Cineflix/Ian Watson
A pilot adjusts engine power after a warning sounds in the cockpit of Air France Flight 447. It will take more than two years of searching to recover enough wreckage to determine exactly what went wrong on the flight, which crashed into the Atlantic Ocean on June 1, 2009. âĨâĨphoto credit: Cineflix/Ian Watson
On June 1, 2009, four hours after taking off from Rio de Janeiro a Air France Flight 447 carrying 228 passengers and crew flies into a violent storm.âĨâĨ(credit: 2012 Cineflix)